Back in January I posted the image above after Tess and I returned from Guatemala after our first visit with EM. It was kind of my way of acknowledging I had become a father without actually telling anyone. It seemed an appropriate image to use on my new blog, Father Tim-E: My adventures in parenting.
And don't get your hopes up. Dizgraceland isn't going away. It will always be the mother ship of fools. I'll just confine my baby pictures to my daddy blog and keep the weird crap here.
Well I will be delighted to visit you at your new blog but PLEASE keep the weird crap coming here won't you? It just wouldn't be the same without Dizgraceland :)
So you think you can separate being a daddy from being weird? Ha! Good luck with that. Regardless, I'll be pleased to check in both places. Along with my sock monkeys.
` Delightful. Dizgraceful. Dizzy.
Hooray! I don't believe I've ever seen a proper Daddy blog, I'll be interested in seeing your perspective in child rearing. I should start a grandma blog, stop boring people with my grandgirl stories.
Ah yes the resposibilities of fatherhood I remember them well.
"You're on your own Goodnight!"
Just KIDding........That was rather CHILDish..... almost BABY like ....
Keep on truckin' Mate!
Just checked out the new blog - yeah! Glad you'll be keeping it weird here at Dizgraceland :) Peace, JP/deb
As long as you realize that it will be weird crap at Dizgraceland and weird poop at Father Tim-E. :)
At least I'm no longer that eccentric uncle. Now I'm weird daddy. There is a major distinction.
And I thought I had a lot of blogs. I bow to your blogness :)
Kat, I can't guarantee it is a proper daddy blog, but it is a proud daddy blog.
What have you done with Steve?
Dizgraceland is just naturally weird. It seemed weird for it to start being serious.
"Steve? The Bloody pounce is busy writing poetry and frigging stories, about romance and love and caring and all the other crap that the world has lost. Hang On! He wants my thoughts on something."
"i reckon you should caress the woman not hump her right away."
"Whoops? sorry Tim what where ya saying about Steve?"
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