It was all Green Tags $1.99 day at Goodwill today. I have learned that you can find some pretty great deals on the $1.99 day. A couple of months ago I found a brand new John Wayne Cast Iron Grill pan that Goodwill had been selling for $29 with the color of the day on sale for $1.99. So I got it for $1.99 and sold it on eBay for $32.
Today I found an IBM Selectric II electric typewriter that Goodwill was trying to sell for $99. I bought it guessed it...$1.99. And it works. Or at least it powers on. And why would I want a Selectric II electric typewriter? Because I only had to pay $1.99 for it. So if I can't resale it and have to take it back to Goodwill I'll only be out $1.99.
Plus there was the nostalgia factor. I learned how to type on one of these when I was in high school. And when I was a Journalism major in college, that's what we typed stories on in the college newspaper offices. They were the precursors to word processors. They just had sheets of paper instead of screens. But they beat the hell out of writing something by hand. Oh sure, you made mistakes typing, but that was what white out was made for.
So what if it weighs a ton and there is no way in hell I'll be able to sell it on eBay because the shipping would be through the roof. There is always Facebook Marketplace. Who cares if there are ten or so of them already on there. Since I only paid $1.99, I don't have to get much for it to make profit.
I am such a shrewd business person.