
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Passing gasbags


If you don't know what a gasbag is, ChatGPT tells me it is a derogatory term used to describe a person who talks a lot, especially in a pompous, verbose, or tiresome manner. It suggests that the person's speech is full of hot air and lacks substance or value. I would have thought a gasbag was akin to a blowhard, but apparently a blowhard talks more about their own achievements than a gasbag. A gasbag just passes verbal gas.

I have to say that Gemini Cricket nailed a gas bag with this image. It's very Pink Floyd-ish "The Wall" or Dr. Who. The British are obsessed with gas masks because of the World Wars. This shouldn't be a surprise since the British haven't mired themselves in a good war since. Or there was a brief skirmish over the Falkland Islands, but that was akin to America's invasion of Grenada in the Caribbean in 1983. Both were basically farts in the wind as wars go. Though the U.S. invasion of Grenada was good for a bad Clint Eastwood movie called "Heartbreak Ridge." 

I'm digressing. 

Though I did actually go to Grenada on a cruise ship in the late 1990s. I was more or less highjacked by a young Grenadian who gave me an island tour I didn't want, tried to sell me pot and then menaced me for a tip. Other than that I don't remember much about Grenada. I don't even think I bought a t-shirt there. Though it probably would have been something about "I invaded Grenada and I'll I got was this stupid t-shirt."

Now that would have been a cool t-shirt. This is too.

God I hope I'm not becoming one.

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