I am pretty tired of hearing about Trumps ear. I really don't give a rat's ass about Trump's ear (ChatGPT said the the phrase "don't give a rat's ass" is a colloquial and somewhat vulgar expression used to convey a strong sense of indifference or lack of concern. "Rat's ass" is used hyperbolically to represent something of no value.) I imagine the rat would argue about that.
But I digress.
Whether or not Trump's ear was clipped by a bullet, chipped by shrapnel from a teleprompter or chewed on by a porn star really doesn't matter to me. I am skeptical that someone with a rifle and a scope could hit something as small as Trump's ear. But hell, they are still debating about bullets and trajectories from the Kennedy assassination and that was 51 years ago.
What happened to Trumps ear has no meaning and has nothing to do with the fact that I have a higher opinion of the rat's hyperbolic ass than Trump.
Now since I've turned my once unsuccessful and yet to be successful blog into a space to shill my t-shirt designs would make you think that I wouldn't risk offending people by commenting on how useless Donald Trump and his idiot sons are. But I pretty much don't think your average Trump supporter would understand let alone buy any of my designs. And it is not that I think I am better than your average Trump supporter because I have a college education. I just think that I am better than them because collectively they couldn't figure out how to pour sand out of a boot even if there were instructions on the bottom of the boot.
I do have to say that I get tired of hearing about the latest stupid thing that Donald Trump said, like Hannibal Lector is a real person.
I honestly think he thinks he is being funny. And he is funny, but funny in the way your special uncle that sits in his room fretting about the Red Chinese tunneling under the house to kidnap him is funny. And when he tells the fundamental Christians to get out and vote because this will be the last time they need to vote he isn't suggesting that he is indeed like Hitler and plans to be President for life if he gets reelected (or in his head if he doesn't). He is just suggested that voting for him in the election is all his Narcissistic self cares about. They might as well vote for a rat's ass in the future for all he cares.
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