
Monday, October 21, 2024

I don't suppose this blog doesn't mean anything to you


I received an email today that all three of these design were removed:

"Dear Dizgraceland,

Thank you for your interest in, and thank you for publishing products on Zazzle.

Unfortunately, it appears that your product, Absurdism: But that's meaningless to you, contains content that is in conflict with one or more of our content guidelines.

We will be removing this product from the Zazzle Marketplace shortly.

The details of the product being removed are listed below:

Product Title:Absurdism: But that's meaningless to you
Product Type:T-Shirt
Product ID:256245728698675765
Result:Not Approved
Policy Notes:

Your design contains an image or text that may be subject to copyright. This may be due to the actual design of the product, description or search tags that are associated to your product. Please feel free to submit a new design to our Marketplace from original elements

Image:View the Image

We apologize for the inconvenience. A detailed description of the policies is located here.

You may redesign and republish your products following our content guidelines. Please be aware that continued violations of Zazzle's User Agreement and Acceptable Content Guidelines may result in termination of your account.

If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your product, please email us at and we'll be happy to provide you with additional support."

It was nicer than Teepublic, but it still it suggests I can redesign and republish my designs be they will very likely terminate my account. 

Jesus. Since when is a cow named Albert Camoo whose only resemblance to Albert Camus is a that he is smoking a cigarette, a violation of anyone's intellectual property? The Intellectual Police at Teepublic didn't even have a problem with Albert Camoo. I didn't quote Camus. I didn't use his image. He doesn't own the concept of Absurdism. 

There seems to be No Exit from this dilemma.

But I suppose that doesn't mean anything to you.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

I'm waffling


I suppose bemoaning not creating any new designs because of the losers at Teepublic inspired me today. Today is indeed National Chicken and Waffles Day. Though I don't imagine this chicken is aware of what chicken and waffles really refers to. Though it did make me wonder why a waffle is called a waffle and why waffling means being indecisive and has nothing to do with waffles that you eat.

The word "waffle" comes from the Dutch word "wafel," which originally referred to the type of batter-based food we know today. Its roots trace back to the Old Frankish word "wafla," meaning "honeycomb" or "cake," referring to the distinct grid pattern of the waffle. The design likely inspired the name, as the food resembles a woven or gridded structure, similar to a honeycomb. Over time, this name spread across Europe, eventually giving rise to the modern English term "waffle."

The word "waffling" has roots in both British and American English. It evolved from the 17th-century verb "waff," meaning to yelp or bark, which implied meaningless noise. Over time, the term came to describe someone speaking in a way that is rambling or indecisive. In modern usage, particularly in American English, "waffling" refers to being indecisive or flip-flopping on decisions, reflecting uncertainty or inconsistency. This development aligns with how the word "waffle" suggests wavering between choices.

The irony here is if someone is agonizing over what to order off from the breakfast menu and eventually decides on waffles. That kind of cracks me up.

But back to t-shirt designs, I did load a ton on today. So I am feeling a bit better. I'll feel even better when I actual sell something. Conversely on the eBay side of things I am doing quite well. I think I sold eight things in the past two days and have been packing like a demon. 

No waffling there.

And not that anyone is counting (but me), but this is my 293 post this year. That is a new record for me in the number of posts per year. That is after 20 years of blogging. 

I feel a t-shirt design coming on.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Going whole hog


It's National Whole Hog Barbecue Day. And rather than going whole hog and creating a new design just for it, I'm recycling one of my "High on the Hog" designs. I just haven't been inspired to create new designs since screwed me over by deleting my account. It is driven home every time I go onto and go through the tedious process of uploading the designs that I used to have on 

I haven't sold a thing yet on

I haven't been back on social media trying to goad teepublic's legal team into responding about why my account was deleted. Bottomline is they don't have to. It is not like anyone gives a rip but me that they screwed me over.  Honestly, I have to ask myself whether I would have stopped using if I'd read anything about some poor schmuck artist being screwed over by them. 

I just would like to see them go out of business. And I believe they will. But it won't be because I called them names on social media. It will be because something newer, cheaper and easier comes along on the Internet.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Why do I think this looks like me?


Okay, it is John Brown's portrait from the National Gallery in Washington D.C. and my hair isn't quite this wild and my beard isn't that fully and bushy, but part of me really relates to how he looks. Of course the consensus is that John Brown was as crazy as a bed bug, but at least he had passion about ending slavery. Unfortunately that passion ended at the end of a hangman's noose.

I had barely 45 minutes to dash through the National Gallery. I've always loved the place. It is full of amazing art and it is free.

I can't remember how many times I've been there, but there always seems to be something new.

I just wish I had more time on this trip to see things. But I basically flew in one day, had an all day meeting and then flew out the third day.

Oh well, there will be other trips.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

I took the road more travelled

 I was flying all night on Tuesday (and boy are my arms tired). I flew from Seattle to Chicago and then from Chicago to Washington D.C. It is a business trip. I am in my meeting now. I will leave tomorrow early and fly to L.A. and then to Seattle.

Travelling used to be fun. Now I would rather be home in my home office surrounded by my guitars. I suppose I should appreciate this while I still can. I doubt I will travel much when I retire. It is nice to have someone else pay for everything. Though they never really pay for everything.

I've been to D.C. many times. I used to have time to see things when I come here. This time I just seem to have time to come, go to my meeting and then fly home. No site seeing. I've seen all the museums and monuments anyway. It is an odd city.

The hotel is huge but the room is small. Kind of cool though. It is an old building. Most things in D.C. are old. 

Oh well, here's to an 8 hour meeting.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A journey of a thousand miles


I always liked this t-shirt. I was disappointed it didn't take off with travelers.  I would wear one. It would be a great beginning of a trip t-shirt. Not so much I'm going home t-shirt. I don't have much of a sense of humor on the return trips. But beginnings are full of promise. You just have to get through security.  

Regardless of how many times I pass through security, I am still anxious. You never know what is going to happen. I've gone through thinking I have nothing to worry about and then find out I forgot to remove a pocket knife when I used my backpack on a camping trip. Fortunately TSA wasn't phased. But they kept the knife.

I just like getting through and sitting down on the other side and putting myself back together for the the trip to the gate. Just getting through security is a relief. 

I suppose if I did wear one of these t-shirts TSA may take offense and I'd end up with that strip search that is on my bucket list. 


Monday, October 14, 2024

Bodhisattva, come and take me by the hand


As I rummage through thrift stores and antique malls, I am drawn to specific types of pieces. Or perhaps they are drawn to me. Guanyin, or Kuan Yin, or Kannon is one of those things I am drawn to. She is a bodhisattva. associated with compassion and and mercy. A bodhisattva is a being who has attained enlightenment but delays entering Nirvana to help others achieve liberation.

As you can see I have begun accumulating several images of Guanyin in her various manifestations. Almost all of them are white, which surprised me when I found the figurine at the top of the page at an antique mall over the weekend. The tag said it was a figure of a Geisha, but I knew the way she was sitting that she was and incarnation of Buddha. 

My desk is full of Buddha figurines. There are weeping Buddhas, reclining Buddhas, laughing Buddhas and simply seated Buddhas. They all give me peace. I believe I have written before about my brief stint as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. Nichiren Daishonin was a 13th-century Japanese Buddhist monk. The practice centers around chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and studying the Lotus Sutra. 

I hate to admit it, but the only reason I became a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist was because I was dating an artist who was a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. It was during a period of my relative youth that I was searching. I studied Astrology, Quantum Physics and crystals. I dabbled with Tarot cards and went to psychic fairs. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo didn't seem that far fetched to me at first. 

But unlike other Buddhist teachings, Nichiren Shoshu was a bit controlling and demanding. There were lots of meetings and of course daily chanting. It triggered my rebellious side. I hate being controlled and trapped in anything that reeks of organized religion (or organized anything). I don't like clubs or meetings. I don't like uniforms or standards.  And as I've stated many times over the years, I don't even like making beds or mowing lawns just because you are supposed to. 

I prefer purpose in my rote repetition.

So Buddhism, or at least the way I understand it, doesn't really fall into any standard path to enlightenment. What put me off about Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is that people would chant for things. The woman I was seeing when I became a Buddhist, chanted for a car. And there were people in the groups I was pressured into attending that chanted for drugs and money. So basically when I stopped dating the artist, I stopped being a Niciren Shoshu Buddhist. I just didn't stop being drawn to Buddhism.

Funny how things come full circle in our lives some times.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Teeing off


Having not heard from the legal team at I posted this image on X with text that suggested people think twice before buying or selling on their site. And I gave a brief synopsis of how this design prompted a reprimand about their terms and conditions and when I asked for a explanation they deleted my account. I hashtagged them. 

Crickets. But that seems to be their business model -- ignore criticism. I was careful not to get into name calling or any thing they could libelous. But with their incomprehensible terms and conditions, who knows. Big companies have the resources to threaten and assume you'll cave because who wants to waste money on a legal battle. And considering I made less than $200 after months of work why would I waste money on a legal battle. 

Pisses me off that they know they don't really have to do anything. I'm like a fly on their horse's ass. 

Pun intended. 

But I have never like injustice and I really think they are in the wrong here. I think I'll just keep posting my T design to tick them off.

How do you like them terms and conditions?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dumbo for Gumbo


It's National Gumbo Day so I dug out this design. I believe I actually sold one of these t-shirts. I'm surprised the cracked legal team at allowed it to stay on my store before they deleted it. I still haven't heard a word. I'm resigning myself to the fact that the store is gone along with my 1500 designs, good and bad.

I suppose if I do rebuild I should be more decerning.

On the Thrift Store archeology front I have recovered from eBay removing my Soviet leader nesting dolls. I have found some pretty cool stuff lately. Like this:

The Ye Olde Hostel of God-Begot, also known as God-Begot House, has a history as a lodging establishment in Winchester. Originally established as a sanctuary for lawbreakers during the Middle Ages, it evolved into a public house and hotel over the years. The building is Tudor in style and has stood on the site of an ancient manor that dates back to 1052​. In the early 20th century, it functioned as a pub, and it continued to serve as a hotel until it closed around 2010.

How cool is that. 

I also found this:

This is a replica of a marker found in Ecuador that marks the location of the Equator. It is called Mitad del Mundo monument, located just north of the capital, Quito. This monument marks a calculated position of the equatorial line, though modern GPS measurements place the true equator slightly away from it. I just love finding things I've never heard of and learning from them. Because it never occurred to me that Ecuador  is named Ecuador because the Equator passes through it. 

Trouble is, when I find cool things like this, I hate to sell them. But if I don't I'll be buried in cool stuff. So It takes discipline to just enjoy them until they sell.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Is it really Squirrel Month or am I nuts?


Apparently October is Squirrel Month according to the National Day people. It used to be Squirrel Awareness Month, but I assume they did some focus groups and determined that Squirrel Month plays better with potential squirrel fans in the 18-46 demographic. 

I would have created a new design about Squirrel Month and posted it on my storefront at but as you recall they cancelled my account. And the crack legal team they have at  have yet to respond to my challenge as to why they cancelled my account for violating their terms and conditions without telling me exactly what terms and conditions I violated. 

But let's face it, if you are part of the legal team for a company that sells other people's t-shirt designs and sends out 10-20 marketing texts and e-mails a day to the people who are trying to sell their designs, you probably aren't a graduate of Harvard Law. In fact, their legal team may in fact be ChatGPT

And something tells me if their are actual people on's legal team I doubt if they have law degrees. If they do, I wouldn't be surprised if they bought them online. But I still imagine ChatGPT wrote their terms and conditions but included a disclaimer that it wasn't always accurate and didn't, in fact, understand the terms and conditions either.

Just a wild guess. 

Hey,, look! Squirrel!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Zazzle them

 I have tried building a store at  But rebuilding a storefront that once had more than 1500 designs is a daunting task. And I hate to admit it, but doesn't have the most user friendly environment to load designs. I guess I was just used to And as scummy as their incomprehensible terms and conditions were, it was easy to build a store and load designs. Plus there wasn't a delay in seeing the designs appear in the store. I've loaded a dozen or so and only a handful are showing up. Plus the profit margin is even less than teepublic.

But then again I was never doing it for the money. I was doing it to get some sense of validation that my designs were good enough for someone want to buy them. I had sold more than 80 before everything went to hell and teepublic cancelled my account.  I have to say, the worst part about it is not having a clue why. I could see if I had been trying to pull a fast one over someone and turn a quick buck, but all of the designs were my ideas, even the ones that stepped on the toes of some corporations intellectual property.

The irony was that they simply told me that I had violated their terms and conditions and I should review them to figure out how. But they are written in obscure legalese that is incomprehensible to me. I just wanted them to say in plain language what it was that I did that violated their terms. 

At this point I don't really care about them reinstating my store. I would just like to know why it was deleted so I can go on about my business despising their company and trash it in social media.

That will show them.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Kick me while I'm down


I got this message from eBay this morning:

We had to remove your listing because it didn’t follow our Offensive material policy. Listings that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination aren’t allowed.

What activity didn't follow the policy

At eBay, we have a strict policy against items that promote or glorify hatred or violence to ensure our platform remains a safe, trusted and inclusive environment for our global community of sellers and buyers. Consequently merchandise that may indicate support of Vladimir Putin is prohibited on eBay.

I had found these nesting dolls at Goodwill a few weeks ago and listed them on eBay. I didn't think anything of it. They are former Soviet leaders and the smallest one is Putin. So apparently trying to sell it indicates support of Vladimir Putin and is prohibited.

I'm not doing so well with my online ventures. First deletes my account for some unknown reason and now eBay accuses me of being a Putin supporter because I tried selling Soviet leader nesting dolls. I must say that it seems farfetched that these nesting dolls promote or glorify hatred or violence. I'm willing to bet they aren't removing any Trump items on eBay and if anyone glorifies hatred or violence it would be Trump.

But what can I do? It's me against a faceless corporation.

I'm still reeling from the teepublic debacle. Part of every day for me was cranking out some new designs and posting them on my store. I'm at a loss. I suppose I could still crank them out and post them here, but what good would that do? The two or three people who read my blog would see them, but I would right where I was when I started posting on in the first place. I wanted people to see my work.

And now it is essentially gone.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Lowering the bar

 So I get this email from this morning:

Dear Dizgraceland,

This is to notify you that, as a result of a violation of our terms and conditions, we have removed or disabled access to the material that appeared at and have deleted your account.

Please note that our removal of the aforementioned material and our deleting your account may result in the interruption or cancellation of previous processed orders involving your submissions to TeePublic.

If you believe that your work has been removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, you are welcome to contact us and we will consider the matter. However, nothing herein shall be construed as an agreement or course of dealing by us to in the future take any action or refrain from taking any action, and TeePublic reserves all rights.

That was it. They deleted my account and more than 1500 designs I've worked months on. And you may be smarter than me, but can you understand from that email how I violated their terms and conditions?  And don't you think they owe me an explanation? I responded asking what I had done to violate their terms and conditions and they sent me this:

Hi there,

It appears your account was flagged for violating our terms and conditions. Please make sure to check out our Terms and Conditions here:

After reading these in full, if you still feel this was done in error, please fill out the form on the following page:

Under the drop-down labeled "Please select the option that best describes your issue". select the "I am a designer and there is a problem with my account." option.

This form will ask you for information about your account as well as for any attachment that can verify the authenticity of your work. This could be PSD files, AI files, or any other documentation that shows you are the creator and owner of the works you uploaded to TeePublic.

Due to the high volume of designer accounts, we are unable to respond to every inquiry, however, we do read every response to this form and you will hear from us if your account is reinstated.


So I filled out the form and I am pretty sure I will never hear from again. Something makes me think it had nothing to do with anything I posted in my store. I think it was stuff I posted here about how ridiculous it was that they kept pulling things they said were violating intellectual property rights. And then when the pulled the "This is a t-shirt design" that was just a big "T" on the front of a shirt and I questioned them both here and in an email response to them, they just took the low road and deleted my account. 

Perhaps I shouldn't have said I hate lawyers.  But I do  hate lawyers. The canned emails they sent me were obviously written by low functioning lawyers.  What in the hell does, "Nothing herein shall be construed as an agreement or course of dealing by us in the future take any action or refrain from taking any action and TeePublic reserves all rights" mean?  It's not even a complete sentence.

ChatGPT says, "The sentence is clarifying that TeePublic is not making any commitments or promises to act (or not act) in a certain way in the future, and they retain full control over their actions and legal rights. It's a way of ensuring that they are not bound by any unintentional interpretations of the document."

Regardless of whether they reinstate my account or not, I'm simply looking for other options. But I have to tell you, the thought of reloading 1500 designs on a new site doesn't appeal to me. Obviously, I should be more discerning, but even so, it is months of work that was negated by without any explanation.  

In the meantime I'm trying Sigh.

Monday, October 07, 2024

No guts, no glory


It's what's inside that counts, right? ChattyGPT helped me with this one. It's got a lot of heart for an AI program.  And I didn't have the heart to ask it to help generate a design for National Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day.

Today was also National Propane Day. I was tempted to create something about National Propane Day Gives Me Gas, but I just recycled something I'd already done for propane some time ago.

For some reason, I haven't sold any of these. That stinks. As you recall, I shared my version of "Propane" written to the tune of Eric Clapton's "Cocaine" with Cynch, the company that delivers propane tanks to your door. They never thanked me. That stinks, too.

Oh well, Happy National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day and National LED Light Day, too.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Orange you glad you don't drink orange wine


It is National Orange Wine Day and I actually thought someone made wine from oranges, but it turns out that orange wine is actually a type of white wine made from white wine grapes. It is called orange wine because it has an orange hue. Still, it sounds gross. And I'm not sure it warrants its own national day. So although I had ChattyGPT create a National Orange Wine Day image, I am not going to load it on

I did, however, load this image.

I was in downtown Edmonds this afternoon with my wife and daughter and a photographer taking her senior pictures and we we were outside the Edmonds Opera House - Masonic Temple. So I took this photo with the idea that it would make an interesting t-shirt.

And it does. Now will anyone buy it? According to this British guy who writes a blog about making t-shirt designs ( suggested I read him), the print-to-order technology allows designers to capture niche audiences because you don't have to worry about minimum orders and masses of people actually wanting your designs. I think there is a modicum of truth in that. I've sold two or three of these:

And I'd say this is pretty niche. Though I'm pretty proud of it because I did it without the help of any AI Art program. I colored a black and white image myself.  Apparently there are fans of obscure urban legendary cafes in Boise, Idaho out there.

Who am I to judge? After all, I created the design.

Orange you glad I did?

Saturday, October 05, 2024

We all shine on


I was listening to the Beatles channel on Sirius Radio today and they were playing all of this tribute music to John Lennon for his birthday. So I figured it was his birthday. But it isn't until October 9th. He was born in 1940. He was only 40 years old when he died. If he had lived he would be 84 years old. It is hard to imagine what he would be doing. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are still performing. I am not sure John would have been. He never seemed to like being a trained monkey.

John was always my favorite Beatle. I really like Paul McCartney's work and his voice, but John just had this edge to him that I was fascinated with. Sad thing is that I really didn't like much of his music after the Beatles. I love the stuff Paul did with Wings, but John's solo career never seemed to click except for a few songs. And anything he did musically with Yoko was just wrong. Yoko may be a good person, but she should never be allowed near a recording studio. 

Still John loved her (which is why he probably never thought her voice was as bad as it was).  I have never understood why that piece of shit Mark David Chapman killed John. What had the man ever done but deliver genius music to the world. And ironically Chapman is still alive. He was only 25 years old when he killed one of the greatest musically geniuses of all time. Who knows what John would have gone on to do if Chapman hadn't have ended his life. If there is a hell, I hope Chapman ends up there.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Casper the dyslexic ghost


The concept of a dyslexic ghost just came to me this morning. ChattyGPT now can generate images. We'll see how long it puts out for free before it begins going down the same path as Ideogram and Gemini. Gemini now creates what it claims are higher quality images. But it only spits out one at a time and it pesters you about subscribing to a non-free version. I'm not sure what I'll do when I eventual have to fork over money to use one consistently.

This was one of the designs Gemini helped me with. I posted it on and I'll be damned if someone didn't buy a t-shirt with it on it. That is a new record for me. I feel like Sally Fields accepting an Oscar ("you like me, you really like me). Google it.

Still I feel pretty good that someone liked it right away.

Oh, no word yet from the teepublic lawyers about why they pulled my "T" shirt. Though I was at a restaurant this evening and saw the Texas Rangers playing on television. The "T" on their hats looked very much like the "T" on my offending t-shirt design so maybe that was it. 

Oh well kcuf them.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

La cucaracha que se rió


Now there's a cockroach you don't want to step on with your bare feet in a hotel room in the middle of the night when you've go up to go to the bathroom.

And speaking of cockroaches, the legal team at pulled one of my t-shirt designs because they claimed it violated my terms and conditions.  It was this one:

I asked them to tell me why it violated my terms and conditions. It isn't obscene. It isn't racist. It isn't a hate design. It doesn't violate anyone's copyright or intellectual property. It is a fricking "T" for Christ's sake. It's basically a t-shirt site. Watch. They'll tell me the Latin phrase isn't allowed or some BS like that. It's on several of my designs. Temere Ineptias just means random nonsense. Though ChattyGPT is now trying to tell me it means reckless nonsense or careless foolishness. 

I hate lawyers.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

All hail the phototaxis


Why are moths attracted to flames, porchlights, streetlights and and other artificial light sources? Well, according to ChattyGPT:

"Moths are attracted to flames due to a phenomenon called phototaxis, which is the movement of an organism in response to light. Moths, like many other insects, are generally positively phototactic, meaning they are drawn toward light sources."

Apparently, moths use natural light sources like the mon or stars to get around at night. They keep the light source at a certain angle as a guide for flying straight. But when they run into an artificial light source like a porchlight, it is much closer and gives off light in all directions unlike the moon or stars. The moths get confused and begin spiraling toward the light. If it happens to be a candle flame, well, you know what happens. They've hailed the phototaxis and get burned by the fare (so to speak).

One can only image what Mothman does.


Being much bigger than you average moth, I think Mothman just grabs candle flame and gets pissed. So then it needs a break.

See how I cleverly segued into Mothman and coffee? It was so skilled, you likely didn't see it coming or understand why. 

Nor, do I imagine, many of you care (and I use the term "many" of you more figuratively than literally since it is difficult to quantify the smattering of random people who actually read my blog). 

But I like to think of my blog as the flame and the few who navigate here are the Mothmen and Mothwomen (to be cisgender about things) who hop aboard the phototaxis before realizing they should have taken an Uber.

I am okay with that.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Giving up the ghosts


See? You thought I was blowing smoke yesterday when I said I'd do some ghost designs that fall in my usual OCD patterns. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Go to my store at and see some of the many iterations of these themes. And I didn't forget the Ghost of Mothman. I just haven't finished it yet.

Oh hell, here is the rough of it.

If he was holding a cup of coffee he'd be great for the whole coffee day theme. I can image that a Mothman stays up all night and can use some caffeine to keep focused.

I have to say I'm pretty pleased with these. I created a whole new album called "Scary, scary night." I'm hoping to capture the Halloween market. We'll see. This is the first time I'm ahead of the curve for trends. I figure people have just enough time to order some in time to be Halloween Hip at work or on Zoom. 

Though I've been known to be wrong. I keep thinking I've learned in my thrift store pick and flip venture. I was at several thrift stores over the weekend and thought I had picked up some pretty saleable items. But apparently honey pots with a map of Slovenia aren't on the cutting edge of collectibles. I also violated my own new rule of not buying anything made of glass and picked up a Hersey's hot fudge sundae glass thinking it was super vintage and desirable. But apparently 50 or so other people have done the same thing recently.

I did go into a new thrift store on Saturday with my daughter. It was a St. Vincent DePaul's. It was a bit scary. This guy kept coming up to me like I was his long lost friend and asked me if I had found anything good. Then he proceeded to show me the red ball cap he found that read, "Make America Drunk Again." He thought it was priceless and kept punching me in the arm to emphasize his point. 

I felt like Mothman and the flame was stalking me.  Perhaps thrift stores mess with my cloak of invisibility. 


Monday, September 30, 2024

I'm forever blowing bubbles


It is National Chewing Gum Day, which technically isn't National Bubble Gum Day.  But both involve chewing which made me think of cows chewing their cud. That in turn made me think of cows chewing gum and blowing bubbles.  I love this image of a cow blowing a bubble that highlights the sun either coming up or going down. It didn't seem right to use it to shill chewing gum for the chewing gum lobby. I did another design for that.

I like that the cow seems surprised that it has just blown a bubble. I also enjoy creating designs for these farcical National Day days that aren't really flattering for the fake day. Because let's face it, no one really looks good chewing gum. It is kind of a nasty habit. 

Again I posted on X and Instagram and get no response. I can understand not getting a response on X because everyone is either dissing on Trump or dissing on Harris. But WTF is the deal with Instagram? 

Oh well. I should give the National Day days a rest again anyway. Halloween is coming up so I should create some more Halloween themed t-shirts. Maybe a ghost blowing bubbles. Or ghosts playing poker. Or the ghost who laughed. Or ghost of Mothman. 

I think I'm in a rut. 

Maybe National In a Rut Day.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Wake up and smell the caffeine


Okay, at least National Coffee Day seems like it could be a real thing. You would think Starbucks would make a big deal over it. 

I'm half way expecting that Starbucks will send out their intellectual property police and have my over caffeinated mermaid pulled from I thought it was genius though. I posted it on X and Instagram and people are going nuts over it. Okay not exactly nuts.  Okay not exactly paying any attention to it. But I'm okay with that. Being invisible has made me a bit more tolerant of being ignored.

On a totally different subject, Kris Kristofferson died today at aged 88. I was a bit blown away because I didn't know he was that old. Not to speak bad of the dead, but he always looked like he was 110 years old anyway. It was that leathery skin. Must have been from growing up in Texas. Though Kristofferson isn't your usual Texas name. And Kris Kristofferson just sounds made up. You would have expected him to have been called something like Bubba Burnside.

Weird thing is, I always though Kris Kristofferson looked like my Aunt Irma. She had (and still has) this classic country face. But then again, I thought Jimmy Dean looked like her too. He sounded like her when he talked. And since most of you probably don't know who Jimmy Dean was, he was a country music singer in the 1960s. He was also from Texas. He had his own television show. Later he became more famous for selling Jimmy Dean Sausage. Must be the Texas accent that reminds me of my aunt. Though none of my family are from Texas (thank god). There just seems to be an accent that poor white people take on no matter where they are from.

Anyway, I thought Kris "Bubba" Kristofferson was a pretty decent songwriter.  "Me and Bobby McGee" is a classic even though Janis Joplin made it famous. She was also from Texas. She didn't look like my Aunt Irma or sound like her. But she did have a better singing voice than Kris Kristofferson. I never thought he had much of a singing voice. He starred in the remake of "A Star is Born" with Barbara Streisand.  He played a pretty good washed out (and drugged out) rock start whose voice was shot. I don't think he was acting. I don't think Johnny Cash could sing worth shit either. He wasn't from Texas. He was from Arkansas, though, which isn't much better. The states share a boundary. So maybe there is a pattern here.

Sorry Kris Kristofferson. You were a pretty good actor in "Blade." And I remember you in "Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea." It was an odd roll and pretty close to being pornography. Odd on top of it being based on a novel by "Yukio Mishima." Mishima wasn't from Texas though. 

If there was coffee or caffeine in any of these songs or movies, it would have been a nice tie in to it being National Coffee Day. Instead I'll just end with:

But I digress.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Boo yah...


It's National Ghost Hunting Day.  It's one of those National Days that don't stand a ghost of a chance to catch on. Anyway, I don't think ghosts want to be hunted.

Regardless, it is National Ghost Hunting Day. It is also National Drink Beer Day, National Strawberry Cream Pie Day and National Good Neighbor Day. I suppose I could have created a design for a National Drink Beer, Eat Strawberry Pie and Go Hunt  Ghosts at your Neighbor's House Day, but it seemed a bit much. The spirit just didn't move me.

Boo yah.