Now there's a cockroach you don't want to step on with your bare feet in a hotel room in the middle of the night when you've go up to go to the bathroom.
And speaking of cockroaches, the legal team at pulled one of my t-shirt designs because they claimed it violated my terms and conditions. It was this one:
I asked them to tell me why it violated my terms and conditions. It isn't obscene. It isn't racist. It isn't a hate design. It doesn't violate anyone's copyright or intellectual property. It is a fricking "T" for Christ's sake. It's basically a t-shirt site. Watch. They'll tell me the Latin phrase isn't allowed or some BS like that. It's on several of my designs. Temere Ineptias just means random nonsense. Though ChattyGPT is now trying to tell me it means reckless nonsense or careless foolishness.
I hate lawyers.
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