Check it out, it's National Dewey Decimal System Day! And since my first job was shelfing books at a public library, I have a special place in my heart for the Dewey Decimal System. Actually, I think there is a special place in one of the layers of hell for Melvil Dewey, the man behind the Dewey Decimal System.
I had an uncle named Dewey. It was his first name though. For some reason they called him Charlie though. I think my mom explained it to me at some time but it never quite sank in why. But if my name was Dewey, I would probably prefer being called Charlie, too. But if my name was Melvil, I would probably prefer being called Dewey. Everything is relative. Though I'm no relative to Melvil Dewey.
I had a cousin named Wesley, but we knew him as Tay. He was called Tay because one of his younger siblings couldn't pronounce Wesley and called him Tay. It stuck. That made as much sense as my Uncle Dewey being called Charlie.
But boy am I digressing tonight.
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