It's Tick Tock Day. It's about time.
I'm still baffled about how some of these days make it into even National Day Calendar's lax standards of what constitutes something worthy of having it's own day. Tick Tock Day is for finishing things you've put off. So shouldn't it be National Procrastination Day? I suppose they couldn't get around to creating that day.
See what I did there? I have no control over it.
Speaking of no control. With all of my care about not upsetting the Zazzle Intellectual Property Police I had another design pulled.
For whatever reason they didn't have a problem when I used this design for a t-shirt. But when I turned them into tote bags all hell was unleashed and I violated someone's intellectual property. I assume a Gargoyle's. Zazzle was a bit vague. Here's what they sent me:
Dear Dizgraceland,
Thank you for your interest in, and thank you for publishing products on Zazzle.
Unfortunately, it appears that your product, Garboyle meets Gargoyle, contains content that is in conflict with one or more of our content guidelines.
We will be removing this product from the Zazzle Marketplace shortly.
The details of the product being removed are listed below:
Product Title: Garboyle meets Gargoyle Product Type: Tote Product ID: 256319583232330244 Result: Not Approved Policy Notes: Your design contains an image and/or text that may infringe on intellectual property rights. Per Zazzle’s Copyright Policy, we will be removing your design from the marketplace due to an infringement claim from the intellectual property owner. For more information on Zazzle’s Copyright Policy, please visit:
us/articles/220337367 Image: View the Image We apologize for the inconvenience. A detailed description of the policies is located here.
You may redesign and republish your products following our content guidelines. Please be aware that continued violations of Zazzle's User Agreement and Acceptable Content Guidelines may result in termination of your account.
If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your product, please email us at and we'll be happy to provide you with additional support.
That's as bad as Teepublic. I am especially disturbed by the "continues violations...may result in termination of your account."
Wouldn't that be ironic Alanis? Don't you think? Wait, that was a copyright violation. Well, technically not because I was quoting and not using it in a commercial context.
So there.
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