
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Chop Suey in car 258


Yes, today is National Chop Suey Day. I think most people know that Chop Suey is not really a traditional Chinese dish. ChatGPT has several origin stories including that it being developed by cooks for the Chinese crews on the transcontinental railroad. They basically threw together whatever they had to create what is known as Chop Suey. It loosely translates to "mixed bits" or "assorted pieces" in Cantonese. Which makes sense when I tell you that in the railroad operating world, an announcement of "Chop Suey in car 258" (or whatever car needed attention) meant someone had puked in that rail car and it needed to be cleaned up. And Chop Suey and puke do look a great deal alike. Thus my design above. 

I posted that Chop Suey design on X and actually got some likes and reposts. Of course I made the statement that it was National Chop Suey Day and it goes down easy and comes up easy. I imagine the people who promoted National Chop Suey Day didn't appreciate that sentiment. Nor would they like the fact that in railroad speak, Chop Suey is vomit.

I also created this softer, gentler version intended for the more squeamish in the Chop Suey world.

Today is also National Lemon Juice Day (which sucks).

Again, I don't think I am representing lemon juice in a fashion that the creators of the day hoped to inspire. I totally ignored "According to Hoyle Day" because it is a blatant marketing ploy by Hoyle, the maker of a large percentage of playing cards in the country. If they play their cards right, maybe next year I will acknowledge them.

Tomorrow is National Beach Day, National Grief Awareness Day, National Toasted Marshmallow Day and National College Colors Day. It seems the National Day Calendar has a pattern of making sure they have at least one very stupid National Day day each day. Because who gives a rat's behind about National College Colors Day. What does that even mean?

I'm not going to give the national Grief Awareness Day people any grief about that being a day. I will see if I can come up with S'more ideas for Toasted Marshmallow Day. Perhaps I'll do that while I'm at the beach.

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