In reality, more often than not, I do have fun at work. But as Jean-Paul Sartre said in No Exit, "Hell is other people." But as my good friend ChatGPT reminded me, Sartre wasn't really saying that other people make life miserable. He was saying that self-awareness and judgment come from how others perceive us.
I agree with that. Though I also think other people make life miserable, too.
Speaking of ChatGPT, it doesn't seem to care that I've been hanging out with Deep Seek. This morning I asked Deep Seek what Dizgraceland was and it told me it was a "blog or website created by Tim Hunter, who is a writer and artist." I corrected it and said it was a blog by Time Waits and it thanked me and said some very flattering things. Though I think it derived most of them from how I describe my blog online.
I asked ChatGPT who Tim Hunter was and it game me the name of a director, a hockey player and and fictional character in a Neil Gaiman book. Then I asked ChatGPT what Dizgraceland was and it told me it was the name of my blog and asked me if I wanted to discus a specific post, them or idea related to it.
It didn't tell me how good it was.
Hell is other AI's, too.
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