
Wednesday, January 01, 2025

It's a new year, baby!


So far I think 2025 is looking pretty good if I do say so myself. This image reminds me of the good ol' days when I used to Photoshop my face onto a variety of things and gleefully reveled in the illusion that everyone marveled at how clever I was. In actuality no one cared to see my face Photoshopped on a variety of things (like the New Year Baby). 

I am very aware of that now and frankly I don't give a rat's ass any more.

This is how feel about hawking my designs on Blue Sky. You would think all of my years in marketing would help me get over the awkwardness of selling myself. Everyone else does. The only mail and texts I get are from businesses trying to sell me shit. So it seems only fair that I hop on the bandwagon.

No one is buying anything, but at least I'm proactively seeking rejection. My eBay store, on the other hand, is doing quite well. I've had a steady cadence of sales on almost a daily basis. Thing is, I'm selling crap I find in thrift stores that other people tossed. It does give me a bit of a rush when someone buys something though. I feel like I at least know what sells even if it isn't something I created.

On another New Year note, I took down the Elvis tree today. It always makes me sad to see the Elvis tree leave the building. And it is no small feat to pack it up, either. Almost every ornament has a box and it is a bit of a puzzle to get all of the ornaments back into the right box and then make them all fit in a huge plastic bin. And though I thought I was unique in my Elvis tree, I was listening to a holiday music station on Sirius radio a week or two ago and they had some guy talking about his tree with all Elvis ornaments and how he needed a tree topper and took off his blue suede shoes and stuck them on top of the tree.


But it's all put away now and Christmas is officially over and we shall not talk about it again until next year. 

Other than that, New Year's Day kind of sucks. Not much is open and I can't obsessively go to Goodwill and scour the knick knack section for buried treasure. BTW, The term "knick-knacks" originates from the 16th-century word "knack," which meant a small, ingenious object or trinket. Over time, the word evolved, with "knick-knack" being used to describe small, decorative items that are often collected or displayed, typically for their charm or sentimental value rather than for any practical use. I particularly like the "collected or displayed, typically for their charm or sentimental value rather than for any practical use" part. I hate practical.

Oh well, one day down and 364 more to go. 

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