This is another design I can't post on Zazzle for fear of intellectual property, copyright and terms violations. Sad that some of my best works are now forbidden. I even sold a few of these on Teepublic. They looked the other way for many term violations as long as you were bringing in money for them and no one complained.
I posted the Goodwill Hunting design because that is what I've been doing the past few days. I've been trying to be more discerning in my thrift purchases and not buy things that are a long shot for selling for at least more than I paid for them. I have also been finding more things at the local antique mall that are underpriced and I think I can make a profit on.
For example:
I found two of these on a sale shelf for $5 each. They were listed as Japanese Top Piggybanks because of the slots on the side. Turns out they are they are Narigoma Tops which means "ringing" or "humming" tops. When you spin them correctly the slot makes a ringing or humming sound. They are based loosely on designs the Samurai used to have for singing arrows.
Anyway, I bought two of them for $5 each and I'm hoping to sell them for $28 apiece. We'll see.
Other than that I've found some cool things for myself to keep like this:
It is a beautiful glass or crystal ball. I just don't know whether it is glass or quartz. If it is glass it isn't worth much. If it is quartz it could be worth a hefty price. But I don't want to sell it. It is just too nice to sell.
I also found this:
This has sentimental value to me because it used to be a tradition for me to go to the Cabo Wabo Cantini everytime we were in Cabo and do a shot. I am not sure I will keep it though. It takes up too much desk space and I am running out of space for cool things I want to keep. I force myself to keep selling to justify my trips to the thrift stores.
It's easier when my finds are something like this:
This tiny little Buddha doesn't take up much room and it likely wouldn't go for much on eBay. So its a win win situation.
I love rationalizing.