
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ich bin Framus


I couldn't resist one more design featuring my Bavarian Framus Jumbo guitar. Seems appropriate since everybody is doing Octoberfest activities even you would expect something called "October" fest to be in October. But ChatGPT (or the "know it all") tells me it takes place in Munich, Germany (as opposed to Munich, Montana) from mid-September to the first Sunday in October (which is a long time to be drunk on beer). Apparently Octoberfest began in 1810 celebrating the marriage of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese.  

Prince Ludwig later became Mad King Ludwig because he liked to build fairy-tale scale castles (not unlike Mad King Walt Disney)  and getting lost in fantasies inspired by Wagnerian opera and meieval chivalry. I'd say he was tame by today's leadership "crazy" standards. Regardless, we can thank him for Octoberfest (though I don't think the Germans needed much excuse to drink bier). 

Regardless, the Framus people should hire me as their ad agency since I think the lederhosen image is pretty damned genius. But then again, I am too clever by half. 

I think I may have mentioned I took two years of German in high school and a semester in college. And after all that time I can only greet people in German and ask where the library is. Oh, I can ask if they are drinking bee, "Trinkst du Bier?" To which my Mormon German instructor would reply, "Nein, Ich trinke limonade."  If I ever go to Germany I can be sure to find the library and hopefully a place that sells beer.

I took German because my paternal grandmother was Belgium from the part of Belgium that spoke German and claimed to be a Belgium princess. She may have been Mad King Ludwig's princess for all I know. And ironically, I never heard her utter a word of German.

But I bet she would be impressed that I own a Framus guitar.

And speaking of period pieces, today is National Punctuation Day. 

Don't you love my random segues? 

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