You asked and I delivered! Okay, no one asked, but I mentioned how it would be kind of cool to create a design with a Mothman who laughs with waffles. It is the kind of random thing that cracks me up but makes most people shake their heads and frown. But how can you frown at a laughing Mothman with waffles.
Today is National Secondhand Wardrobe Day.
I posted this on X but apparently whoever is doing PR for National Secondhand Wardrobe Day assumed people would hear about it secondhand and didn't create a #nationalseconhandwardrobeday. I find this annoying. Because if you go to all of the trouble to apply for a National Day from the National Day Calendar, you should promote the frigging thing. I bet the people at National Park Service Founders Day, National Banana Split Day, National Whiskey Sour Day and National Kiss and Make Up Day went all out today. I just am not going to waste a good laughing Cryptid on them. I have standards and so do the Cryptids.
As you can see, Chupacabras apparently don't have standards when it comes to fashion choices. I imagine a Chupacabra wears whatever it picks up by the side of the road or whatever the person it eats was wearing. So I can cut them some slack.
Well, most of them.
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