After five years working remotely, I have returned to the office three times a week. Good soldiers do what they are told.
I used to think the phrase was "Once more into the breech." But then again, I also confused it with the Charge of the Light Brigade when it is actually from Shakespeare's Henry V. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead!"
Cheery thought.
But back to my return to the workplace. It's okay I suppose. I keep reminding myself that I worked almost 50 years going into the workplace before the pandemic and we were forced to be at home. I was 16 when I got my first job. It was before personal computers and there was no other option than going into work. Oh there was a brief period during the 1980s that I tried telecommuting a few days a week. But it was complicated and required having a Fax modem and proving to your boss that you weren't just staying home. I didn't really like it. I was still young and enjoyed the social life.
At my age there isn't much of a social life anyway. And as we know, I began turning invisible when I turned 40 and I am now practically non-existent.
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