Having grown out of religious inclinations after I turned 16 (and met my first girlfriend), I still am drawn to iconic religious imagery. I took this photo just inside St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans. It was a peaceful image despite the fact that just outside the door in Jackson Square, Lucky Dog vendors, mimes and tarot card readers were going about their daily business of raking in tourist dollars. Not to be outdone, you could purchase votive candles in the St. Louis Cathedral to add to this shrine.
And speaking of iconic religious imagery (and since this is Easter), check out a miracle of mega proportions at Shandi's hilarious blog, "Portrait of a closet smart-ass." She has an eerie photo of Jesus living in her basement in 1974. I haven't been this excited since someone sent me a photo of Elvis' image in a meat case in Australia.
iNTERESTING. I dont understand when people have a small bazzar next to any church, as if Jesus did not say a place a worship should not be a place of dealership! Atleast teachings of Jesus should be practised around the church?
Happy Easter
Thanks for linking to me. I loved the Elvis meat.
You know....I also have a deep interest in religious igonography. I love old churches (and graveyards for that matter).
When I took a trip to Ireland, I noticed that in one very poor town where the homes were merely hovels, on the top of the hill stood a huge cathedral with intricate sculptures and gold leaf paintings. Beautiful!!!! But...who paid to do the work?
Yes, "the church" always had a ready supply of "volunteers" to build cathedrals. On my one trip to England years ago, I liked to seek out the cathedrals in each town and take photos of the details (the devil is in the details, especially in churchs).
I did read where stonemasons would often place gargoyles that were caricatures of the town and church leaders in the cathedrals up in out of the way places in churches as their way of getting back at them for being forced to have to work on them.
BTW, your link to Dizgraceland has brought some interesting commentors. Thanks...I think :)
Hee hee!!! I bet I know who you're talking about.
That was great info about the gargoyles. I had not heard that. I absolutely love gargoyles, and now I have an even better reason. There was also hidden anti-church symbolism hidden in the artwork. Most artists where financially supported by the church and yet hated what it stood for.
Most interesting...hmmmmm!!!
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