
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Life glows on


Tasteless, yes, but I find it amusing. If only you could have them made with glow in the dark ink. I take solace that this probably looks amazing under a black light.  She just has this radiant glow about her.

I was fairly productive today. I'm just a few designs shy of 1100. I wonder how many designs their average storefront on has. I feel like I should receive some kind of award for the most designs in the shortest amount of time. If only my sales matched my inventory. I think there is some kind of conspiracy to keep me from being successful.

I'm assuming all of these robed Illuminati are reading stories about Donald Trump's wounded ear. It seems to be the subject of way too many stories.

Gemini Cricket helped me with this one. I love the pyramid and the eye. I don't bother asking Gemini for text. I find it easier to add my own. I'm especially proud of the Pink Floyd line. I just hope the intellectual property Nazis don't wag their nasty little fingers at me for mentioning Pink Floyd.  I don't trust them.

I tried letting Gemini Cricket put the headline in this one. It misspelled stupid. I find that ironic. Don't you think?   

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