Dizgraceland is a blog, a shop, and organized random nonsense. As the Romans might have said, Temere Ineptia
Thanks Cherish! Here's wishing you an awsome Valentine's Day, too! And thanks for pointing me to the candy heart generator.
HappyValenTimGreat photo. You don't look a day over 3 years old. Tell me, why is this cherub holding a hammer? Looks a bit threatening with the whole stocking cap and sunglasses. Love is like getting your ass hammered by Steven Segal.
ThksShandi!Like a good wine, I age well. Think of it as a blue collar cupid. Also I've been listening to Emenem lately.Happy Valentim's Day!
To friggin weird, as usual.......I loved it!
I love you too, man!
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Thanks Cherish! Here's wishing you an awsome Valentine's Day, too! And thanks for pointing me to the candy heart generator.
Great photo. You don't look a day over 3 years old. Tell me, why is this cherub holding a hammer? Looks a bit threatening with the whole stocking cap and sunglasses. Love is like getting your ass hammered by Steven Segal.
Like a good wine, I age well. Think of it as a blue collar cupid. Also I've been listening to Emenem lately.
Happy Valentim's Day!
To friggin weird, as usual.......I loved it!
I love you too, man!
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