THE Michael has returned from St. Petersburg, Florida and captured some pretty incredible photographs of his adventures including the one above from a cemetary. He claims to have used an orb filter to screen out any spirit photos, but one merely has to look a little closer to discover the truth. Perhaps for a moment, THE Michael stepped into:
Dear Diary,
I had no idea it would come to this. I was warned beforehand of the terrible energies this place hosted, and was warned to never allow them to escape into the world past the boundries the local shamans had put up to keep them there. I was so assured of myself with my technical knowledge that the special orb filter on my camera would prevent this. I had not counted on Tim. Oh, Tim. You had to do it, didn't you? Once we realized the horror of what you'd done, we immediately began to attempt some spell that might protect you and moderate the damage.......but it's out of our hands. It's my fault, for even taking the picture in the first place, and now I have to live with the knowledge.....oh god....the horror.....the horror.....goodbye Tim.....we'll all miss you......sigh
THE Michael, Did you recognize the spirit coming out of the ground in front of the grave marker? I feel like a ghost whisperer. Why don't you sit for a spell and relax until you see a bright light. Then just mosey on into it. You'll feel better. :)
Psst...The Michael...
I've been dead twice. Take it from me, don't go into the light. It's a trap...IT'S A TRAP!!!
For God's sake, save yourself and run like hell!
Thanks Mickey, I almost had him walking into the light. Imagine his suprise when he discovered it was a WalMart grand opening. Geez ruin a guys fun. BTW did you see his snake photos?
Why do I get this feeling that Tim wants me "out of the picture"? Hmmmmm
But you are in the picture THE Michael.
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