I'm trying to ease my way back into Photoshopping my face onto random things. This is for my friends down under there in Queensland or Woop Woop or wherever Whitesnake and Madame Butterfly live there in Aussie land (I'm still working on the hedgehog...the spines are a challenge).
I have come to believe Photoshop is the universal software that can make us all one people (or animal object). After all, a picture of yourself Photoshopped on something speaks a thousand words. Plus it becomes a challenge to figure out how to do.
A koala bear wasn't really very hard. I tried a kangaroo first. Now that's a challenge. I do really look good with a pouch.
Whenever I think of kangaroos, I think of this old Australian television series I used to watch in Boise as a kid...Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. I think it was Australia's answer to Lassie, Flipper or Gentle Ben. Skippy was this game warden kid's pet who helped him catch sheep theives and stuff. It had this catchy theme song that went something like, "Skippy, Skippy, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Skippy, Skippy, Skippy your friend ever true." I swear I'm not making this up.
But I digress. Forgive me, I'm feeling a little jumpy. Ha, ha....
Anyway, an all new episode of LOST has started and I need to find out what random thing they'll be Photoshopping themselves into tonight.
I will vouch for tim.....
about Skippy...
Tim ya would look good in anything but ya birthday suit......
Maybe i should ask Tess.
You get better soon........
I mean that the world needs ta see ya face on everything.....By the way...it's not a hedgehog...It's an echidna........
Bloody yanks!
Tim, Skippy was one of my favourite shows when I was 6 or 7 years old and you nailed the theme song, thats exactly how it went.
That roo could do anything.....
I'm chuffed (remember I explained that means thrilled) that you are attempting the hedgehog and Whitesnake I did ask for a hedgehog, not an echidna, so mind your own bees wax.....lol
The snake and I live in Adelaide which is in South Australia but I am in Queensland at the moment so you were on the right track.
Hope you are feeling better young man.
I just tried to imagine which character of LOST you would look best photoshopped onto. John Locke would probably be the easiest, Hurley might be the funiest, but... hmmmmmm how about Sawyer? Rrrrraaaaarrrr!!!!
(wanders away, still in the grip of that image of your face on a kangaroo)
Whitesnake, Skippy, incidently, is also a popular brand of peanut butter in the US. And I cringe to think what an echidna is.
Madame Butterfly, Glad you are chuffed once again. And thanks for being the voice of reason from the outback. And Adalaide, of course. But I could have swore the snake was from Woop Woop.
LOST was so May 11, 2006 for me. http://www.nwlink.com/~timelvis/2006/05/but-can-i-be-found.html
I of course chose to bypass the bald man, the person of size and the bad boy and put my face on the intelligent angst ridden surgeon. Though he is a bit whiny.
My face is just too fat to do a roo justice.
They call him Flipper
King of the ocean
No one you see
Is smarter than he
And you know Flipper
Lives in a world full of wonder
Lying there under
Under the Sea
Ah, old TV theme songs! I could go on and on. If I'd had more to drink.
Thanks Kristy,
Happy Hour starts a little earlier in South King County, doesn't it?
Hey Shandi,
Gotta love Sawyer!!! Just saw the ep last night where he was serving time in the flash backs. Kinda makes me come over all unnecessary (thats one of my Mum's quaint sayings).
Always did love a bad boy!!!
Hi Kristy,
I loved Flipper too. I actually saw part of Gilligans Island today ....now that was my all time favourite. My Dad always used to come home from work and we would all be rivetted to the tv watching Gilligan and he'd say "haven't they got off that island yet?" Ahhh, the memories.......
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