Tim, Laughing, know that i've not forgotten you Ya silly blatherskitten nut! :o) I always know where to come when i need an uplifing tickle my funnybone moment. And i thank YOU for that. I'm still reading and still lovin it. The great blog world is lucky to have You in it Tim "deer". Take care. Hugs, ~gina~
If only the shoe were on the other foot eh?
*spitting coffee, laughing*
Shandi, exactly!
Hayden, Kind of en-deer-ing, isn't it?
Tim. Oh, Tim. I have to assume this is some sort of cry for help. Should we plan an intervention?
I'm thinking that a person who makes sock monkeys probably doesn't have much room to talk when it comes to cries for help or interventions.
Creepy, Lights? This from a man who...well...we all know about the book and video now, don't we?
Gee, Tim, getting a little "horny" nowadays, are we?
Laughing, know that i've not forgotten you Ya silly blatherskitten nut! :o) I always know where to come when i need an uplifing tickle my funnybone moment. And i thank YOU for that. I'm still reading and still lovin it. The great blog world is lucky to have You in it Tim "deer". Take care.
THE Michael,
Ever here the phrase, "excitement is mounting?"
Gina! Thank you! I missed you. Glad you are still a glutten for punishment and stopping by, blather and all. :)
Thanks Cherish. But I am never too much. I'm really quite reasonable. :)
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