
Monday, July 24, 2006

Don't try this at home

Tess and I were in Vancouver, Washington this weekend for our niece's first birthday party. While we were there, we visited old Fort Vancouver. It isn't really old. It is a reconstruction of a fort that was built on that spot. Still it is kind of cool. They have cannon lying around randomly and for some reason, I have difficulty simply posing normally for photographs, especially around cannons.
I think it is a guy thing.


Anonymous said...

Every once in a while you just might post something you maybe wish you hadn't.

Time said...

Do I detect cannon envy by any chance?

Anonymous said...

To know that, you need merely poke your head out the door and ask the right person(s).

R. said...

You have a pair of steel ones Uncle Tim.

Time said...

Thanks nephew. It runs in the family.

Time said...

Good one Lights. For a minute there I thought you were going to talk about the campfire scene.

Naughti Biscotti said...

You've got balls Tim. Quite a few of em.

Great photos!!!

Time said...

Thanks Shandi,
It takes balls to pose for photos like this. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. It's a guy thing. And just how many balls does one man need?

Alex Pendragon said...

Damn, Tim, I do believe your cannon is bigger than my cannon!

So the park officials didn't mind you crawling all over their guns, or having sex with that one gun?

Time said...

Kristy, balls and toys, the man who dies with the most, wins.

THE Michael, It's not the size of the cannon, it's how you aim them that matters. And I was posing with the cannons in the privacy of my own fort.

darlingina said...

Tim.... i'm thinking there just might be someone out there who would pay You for those big boy shots! oh yeahhh ;o)

Time said...

Gina, I couldn't take your money :)

Hayden said...

unfortunately, it isn't only a guy thing. at 20 my boyfriend and I took pics of each other posing with a (very large) cannon. He was leaning on it with a lifted eyebrow and a wry grin, I was riding it er, um... lets call it, flamboyantly. but then, my excuse is that I was 20.