At the suggestion of my nephew R. and the prompting of Shandi, I am trying out a new look for me that helps remedy my issues with wearing hats. In the process of finding my new look, I discovered a site -- www.playerappreciate.com -- where you can "Pimpify" your name and come up with your very own player nickname.

Dopetastic T. Large
Silicon Slick T. Ice
Fine Ass Tim Sweetness
Pimp Daddy Tim Gates
Sticky Fingers T. Flow
Papa Tim Shmoove

I'm kind of partial to Fine Ass Tim Sweetness, but I'm open to other opinions about which name you think suits me best.
Oh, and "Don't Player Hate, Player Appreciate." Here's where you can pimpify your own name:
Get your pimp name.
Maybe you should go back to wearing dresses.
Don't hate, appreciate.
Not hating, just focusing on your strengths.
I'm partial to Fine Ass Tim Sweetness - it gives you a hard edge while still retaining your sensitive side. But, then again, what would I know? My name's Tricktickler M. Shizzle...I sound like a pimpafied porn star.
Iridethebus, I find it disturbing that you like to see photos of me in a dress. This isn't that kind of blog.
Tricktickler M. Shizzle, that is a fine name.
Hey Tim you make one mighty fine pimp. The look really suits you. I like "Fine Ass Tim Sweetness" as well.
Thanks for doing this. I laughed my ass off.
Sugarstick! That's what I'm talking about. Thanks for appreciatin' and not hatin' :)
Greetings Earth Player Pimp bling things, we of the planet Zargoth have received your communiques and are attempting to translate them now. All we can surmise so far is that you have an affinity for funny head dresses and velvet. We are trying to reconcile this with the advanced technology you have utilized to transmit these images and hope eventually to understand the disconnect. We are now outfitting our trade fleets with velvet hats in case this is the trade items you wish in return for whatever might be of value you wish to trade. Peace, and may the shizel be with you. End transmission.
Diamondtrim Hayden Kicks here, saying this post be mighty fine...
Cherish, are you saying Toby Keith looks like a pimp? :)
THE Michael, Resistance is futile.
Dimondtrim Hayden Kicks, Yo mama...word...peace!
What a fun post! Love the pics!
I pimped Jane Poe & came up with some favs!
Sweet Chocolate Poe Flava
Funk Master Jane Beautiful
Sticky Fingers Jane Shizzle
Lights, As the three stooges would say, "Wise Guy Eh?"
JanePoe, Funk Master Jane Beautiful is very poetic. The whole thing has a cathartic side to it, doesn't it?
Loved this post Tim. And cherish is right, you do look like Toby Keith in that first pic. Thanks for the giggle.
"Suede gina Smooth"
Suede Gina Smooth...I expect to see that on your blog in the future!
Tim, fun link. I'm not sure about my name though: Dr. Deacon Kristy Squeeze. Call me Deacon Blue for short, I guess.
On the contrary, I think Dr. Deacon Kristy Squeeze suits you. It may not be wise to use it on a resume if you are thinking of more law enforcement jobs, however.
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