I want that TV. Give me that TV. Carefully box that TV and send it to me. You want me to have that TV. You NEED me to have that TV. You will begin to suffer migrains and pustules all over your face until I get that TV. I LIKE that TV. You LOVE me liking that TV. Me liking and having that TV would make you feel so good about yourself. To not send me that TV would result in your karma being set back by about 16 lifetimes. Caugh up that damn TV TIM! Thank you......I'll send you mine as soon as yours arrives.
Michael, I sense you may be interested in my TV. But I can't send it to you in hopes you'll send me yours in return. I'm only going to fall for that one once in my life.
nice feet Tim Elvis
(cheeky grin)
Thanks Morningstar, Cherish,
I'm hoping the Seahawks remain unde-feeted! Get it, "feet"-ed.
Sorry... :(
I want that TV. Give me that TV. Carefully box that TV and send it to me. You want me to have that TV. You NEED me to have that TV. You will begin to suffer migrains and pustules all over your face until I get that TV. I LIKE that TV. You LOVE me liking that TV. Me liking and having that TV would make you feel so good about yourself. To not send me that TV would result in your karma being set back by about 16 lifetimes. Caugh up that damn TV TIM! Thank you......I'll send you mine as soon as yours arrives.
Michael, I sense you may be interested in my TV. But I can't send it to you in hopes you'll send me yours in return. I'm only going to fall for that one once in my life.
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