I use the term "heaven" figuratively because I've already kind of expressed my doubts that a literal heaven exists. Regardless, today is the first anniversary of the day Tess and I were married. One year ago today we sailed off on the the Diamond Princess and got married at sea. The entire thing was broadcast via Web Cam. I documented it via my blog as well in an entry entitled: Nice day for a Web wedding in case you'd like to see it.
In the period of one year we got married, sold two houses and purchased a new house. It has been a wonderful time and I don't regret a single moment (okay...maybe I'd edit out a couple of days when we were moving). And now we and our three cats are one big, happy family (well actually, my cat can't stand her two cats and still seems a little put out that Tess is in her spot on the bed but at least she's stopped hacking up hairballs on Tess' shoes).
In the immortal words of Lou Gehrig, "Today, I am the luckiest man on the face of the planet!" Actually every day I am the luckiest man on the face of the planet and I just wanted to say that I am grateful for every day we spend together.
Happy Anniversary Tess! I love you! xxoo
That was such a sweet post Tim...... including the fact your cat no longer hacks up hair balls in Tess's shoes.. (that bit made me howl with laughter.. as my male - cat that is - tends to "squirt" people he takes offense to)
anyway...... Happy Anniversary to You and Tess.. may your year be filled with love, good health and lots of laughter...
Thanks morningstar, I appreciate the good wishes. And cats do make statements, don't they. :)
Happy Anniversary again Tim. It seems like only a couple of months ago I was watching you and Tess tie the knot.
My cat tends to make perfectly round crap balls and bat them around the house when she's pissed off. I think it's a form of stress relief.
The move went well... sort of. I won't have internet access for a week, so I may not be blogging.
Happy anniversary, Tim! Remember, if Tess should ever become disenchanted with your royalty, just reminder her it could be worse......she could have married me!
Thanks again Shandi,
You were the only one who commented on the original wedding post. You've become more family than my family. :) Glad you move went semi-well. It's all one can hope for.
And thanks Lights, it does only seem like 6 months repeated.
Thanks THE Michael. I remind her of that every day. :)
Happy Anniversary to you and Tess.
Apparently Tess is quite the tower of strength.
Thanks Mickey. Tess forgets stuff alot. Which is a good thing. :)
Thanks Cherish. We appreciate the nice thoughts and wishes. Tess pointed out to me this morning that we are technically no longer newlyweds. :)
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